
書名:Kay Nielsen: East of the Sun / West of the Moon



作者:Nielsen, Kay (ILT)/ Daniel, Noel (EDT)



Kay Nielsen: East of the Sun / West of the Moon


北歐插畫界最響亮的名人Kay Nielsen,帶你探索北方大地最神秘的童話想像世界。7-net


《East of the Sun and West of the Moon》是北歐出版史上最具傳奇色彩的繪本,初版於1914年,紀錄挪威民俗學者Peter Christen Asbj?rnsen與 J?rgen Engebretsen Moe在19世紀中葉在旅途中蒐集的15則童話。而在諸多版本中,以丹麥繪本傳奇大師Kay Nielsen廿世紀初期繪製的插畫版本最為搶手,被視為兒童繪本傑作。Nielsen親筆簽名版更在2008年拍賣會上,成為史上最高價售出的繪本。此次由TASCHEN出版社推出的版本,就是收錄Kay Nielsen的插畫作品。


這本新版,擁有精美的46幀插畫,Nielsen水彩畫原作的細節,細膩可見。三則隨筆,搭配Nielsen珍貴且從未問世的插畫,帶領讀者透過Nielsen的大師功力,一步步走進充滿巨人、童話的挪威傳說世界。(文/ 博客來編譯)


Fairy tale finesse:?Reviving?East of the Sun and West of the Moon,?

Kay Nielsen's most ambitious illustration project


Step into a world of star-crossed lovers, magical winds, mischievous giants, and trolls, through some of the most exquisite illustrations in publishing history. In this gorgeous reprint, TASCHEN revives the most ambitious publication project of beloved Danish artist Kay Nielsen, one of the most famous children’s book illustrators of all time.

First published in 1914, East of the Sun and West of the Moon is a celebrated collection of fifteen fairy tales, gathered by legendary Norwegian folklorists Peter Christen Asbj?rnsen and J?rgen Engebretsen Moe on their journeys across Norway in the mid-nineteenth century. Nielsen’s illustration edition of Asbj?rnsen and Moe’s tales is considered a jewel of early 20th-century children's literature, highly sought-after by art and book collectors worldwide. An original signed copy of the book sold at auction in 2008 commanded the highest price ever paid for an illustrated children’s book.

This finely crafted reprint restores the stunning detail and artistry of Nielsen’s images to their original splendor. Featuring 46 illustrations, including many enlarged details from Nielsen’s rare original watercolors, the book is printed in five colors with a lovingly designed slipcase. Three accompanying essays, illustrated with dozens of rare and previously unseen artworks by Nielsen, explore the history of Norwegian folktales, Nielsen’s life and work, and how this masterpiece came to be.

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